eTwinning Project

eTwinning Project

joi, 17 martie 2016

The National contest "Made for Europe 2016" - the presentation at school

Azi, 17 martie 2016, a avut loc, la Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" din Baia Mare, prezentarea produsului proiectului "Friends around Europe, 2015-2016", in cadrul concursului national "MADE FOR EUROPE 2016". Produsul proiectului nostru este blogul proiectlui, pe care eleva Gabriela Pop din clasa a 4-a B l-a prezentat publicului care a venit sa ne vada. La proiect au lucrat elevi din clasele a 4-a B si a 5-a B de la scoala noastra. Partenerii de proiect sunt din Romania si Spania. La activitate au participat si doamnele Mariana Deac, invatatoarea clasei, si doamnele directoare,Adina Cosma si Laura Cont. Iata cateva imagini de la activitate:

English version

Today, March 17, 2016, we had an activity at school (Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" Baia Mare) in which we presented the product of our eTwinning project "Friends around Europe, 2015-2016". This activity is the first stage within the National Contest "MADE FOR EUROPE 2016", organised by the Romanian Ministry of Education to disseminate the best practices in European projects in our country. The product that my students, Gabriela Pop, from grade 4B, has presented is the project blog, where you can find the description of our project, materials (letters, emails, presentation of the school, traditional festivals, etc.) made by our students since the beginning of the project. We had some guests: Mrs. Mariana Deac, the class mistress, Mrs. Adina Cosma and Mrs.
 Laura Cont, our headmistresses. Here are some images from the activity and you are welcome to browse the blog to find out what we have done. We will appreciate any feedback from you. :) 

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