eTwinning Project

eTwinning Project

sâmbătă, 12 martie 2016

Romanian Festivals: Sânzâiene (Midsummer)

Sânzâiene (Midsummer)
Presented by Giulia Gurza, grade 4B, Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" Baia Mare

“The delicate yellow flowers of sânzâiene (lat. Galium verum), with a strong smell and therapeutic virtues, are associated to the Christian celebration of St. John, event that is observed around the summer solstice (June 24), on midsummer, when the cuckoo doesn’t sing any more and the sun shines nicely in the sky. This resemblance suggests an effect of sympathetic magic. In the folklore pharmacopoeia this plant is known for its capacity to heal several illnesses. In the Romanian mythology, the flowers of Sânzâiene are associated to the Iele (supernatural female beings, who are said to be wild, seductive and magical), or Drăgaice (Drăgaica is associated to the Diana godess), euphemistically called „Frumoasele” (The beautiful ones), in order to escape the severe punishments they give the mortals who dare top look at them or say their names.
Anyway, in the plurality of the malefic Sânzâiene, there is also a good fairy – Iana Sânziana. Her name comes from the Latin Sanctae Diana (vaccording to M. Eliade- Histoire des croyances et des idées réligiueuses).
There are several beliefs regarding these flowers that are blessed in church and brought home to be placed at the windows, the gates or the house eaves to protect them from the evil ghosts. They are used for divine purposes in the villages from Maramureş, preserving the belief in this flower’s oracular capacity. Thus, on Midsummer Eve, the girls gather in groups and go to pick up these flowers and make small crowns of them – as many of them as there are members in the family. Then they throw the little flower crowns on the house roof calling the name of the person associated to that crown. If a crown slides, without falling down, they believe that person will have some health issues, its duration being suggested by the dimension of the slide. If a crown falls down, the warning is more severe, suggesting death if the crown falls down when it is thrown on the hose the second time. The stability of the crown brings much joy, because everyone is preoccupied by the fate of their loved ones. If among the sânzâiene there are also some thistle, the person’s luck is measured by the quantity of thistledown grown by morning. ”


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