eTwinning Project

eTwinning Project

sâmbătă, 11 iunie 2016

celebrating the 1st of June - The International Children's Day in Baia Mare

On the 1st of June 2016, the students and teachers from Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" Baia Mare, Romania, celebrated the International Children's Day through an art exhibition meant to promote the students' creativity and improve their self-esteem. 
Here is the link to our art exhibition:
At the official opening, the school choir, led by their teacher, Mrs. Viorica Costenar and we, the 4th B grade students, led by our teachers: Mrs. Daniela B. Buda and Mariana Deac, have presented a short musical moment to mark the event.
You can hear us sing in these links:

 We had great fun and enjoyed the celebration. We also admired the art works of our peers from our school and from other schools from Romania, Italy, Poland, Iraq and other countries. This exhibition is part of our international project called "Children - Our Future", which this year has seen its 9th edition. We invite all those willing to join our project for next year, when we celebrate 10 years since the project started. The 10th edition will start in September 2016 and end in June 2017.
We all wish all the children of the world "Happy Children's Day"!

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