Hello dear friends! Now,
we are sending some handwritten letters from our pupils, to tell you about the
most popular sports in Spain ,
the sports we learn and practise at school and our children likes and dislikes.
eTwinning Project

sâmbătă, 28 mai 2016
Favourite Singers
Hi again from Spain ! We hope
all of you are doing well. Our pupils are really delighted about finding out your
favourite singers and bands. They also want to you tell about their likes. There are some links to websites where
you can watch their favourite songs to help you decide whether you like it or
My favourite singer
by Desireé
by Desireé
My favourite singer
by Irene

My favourite singer
by Daniel.
My favourite singer
by Antonio José.
Local Festivities (Murcia. Spain)
Hi friends!
Congratulations! We are very enthusiastic about the results.
Today we´d
like to invite you to discover our local festivities through our pupil´s word
files. We are sure you will enjoy these
festivities, if you come to visit our region. We are waiting for you all! ;-)
by María.
marți, 10 mai 2016
9 May - Europe Day - Ziua Europei
This message comes in Romanian and English
Ziua de 9 Mai are dubla seminificatie: Ziua Independentei Romaniei si Ziua Europei. Cu aceasta ocazie, Institutia Prefectului Judetului Maramures a organizat cea de a IX-a editie a Simpozionului “Prezente Maramuresene in Europa” cu sprijinul Directiei Judetene pentru Cultura, Inspectoratului Scolar al Judetului Maramures si a Directiei Judetene pentru Sport si Tineret Maramures. Activitatea a avut loc la Palatul administrativ Baia Mare. Cu aceasta ocazie, Eleva Gabriela Pop, din clasa a 4-a B de la Scoala Gimnaziala Vasile Alecsandri din Baia Mare, a prezentat proiectul eTwinning “Friends around Europe 2015-2016” (
English version:
9th of May has a double significance for Romanians: it is, first, the celebration of our Independence Day, and it is also celebrated as Europe Day. On this occasion, the Insitution of the Prefect of Maramures county, together with Directia Judeteana pentru Cultura, Inspectoratul Scolar al Judetului Maramures si and Directia Judeteana pentru Sport si Tineret Maramures, have organised the 9th edition of the Symposium " Romanian Institutions from Maramures Present in European Projects". The activity was held in the Administrative Palace in Baia Mare.
On this occasion, my student, Gabriela Pop, from grade 4B, from Scoala Gimnaziala Vasile Alecsandri from Baia Mare, presented our eTwinning project "Friends around Europe 2015-2016” (
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